This article explains about image analysis with python by creating a basic photoshop app. The activity below gives a clear idea on reading image files , plotting them & editing them adding convolutions.
Following activity will be a basic image editor which helps make an image black and white , blur , detect edges etc.
What is an Image ?
Image can be defined as a 2/3 -dimensional representation which is a visual display of something. Example : your selfie , x-ray etc Image is 2-dimensional if its black & white and 3-dimensional if its coloured.
Smallest unit of an image is called pixel.
Few of famous image formats include TIFF , JPEG,GIF , PNG etc.
What are different types of image ?
Black and White Images
Binary images or Black and white images are whose pixels have only two visible colours. Numerically, the two visible values are often 0 for black, and either 1 or 255 for white.
Grey Scale Images
Grey scale image contains only shades of grey and no colour. These are very similar to black and white images with a tint of grey in them.
Colour Images
A colour image has three values (or channels) per pixel. Every colour image is made from combination of any of RED , GREEN & BLUE.
A colour image is 3D unlike B&W and Grey Scale which are 2D !
Why do we need image analytics?
With huge buzz around Computer Vision, Image form base of any analytics of graphics or videos. We should remember videos are nothing but moving images.
Few of real word applications of image analytics include Google image search, Facebook auto tagging etc
How can we do image analytics?
In simple terms , every image we see is collection of pixels from the backend. To edit any images we need to play with its pixels. Be it removing few or adding some.
We convert images to matrix of pixel values and then continue our analytics journey.
How does a computer see an image ?
As we see , the image is interpreted as a matrix where each pixel has a specific value. Once the image is converted to numbers , phew ! We know how can we do analytics.
Before we begin ! Following program will give an overview on how an image processing /Analytics can be carried on.